7 Steps to Plan the *Best* Office Holiday Party


The holiday season is a time for celebration, and what better way to spread cheer and show appreciation to your hardworking staff than by organizing a fantastic holiday party? Planning a party can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it also requires careful organization and attention to detail to ensure it's a memorable and enjoyable event for everyone. In this guide, we'll walk you through our recommended steps to plan a successful staff holiday party.

Step 1: Set a Date Early

Coordinate with your committee to choose a date and time that works for the majority of your staff, and do it long in advance. Your staff should have lots of notice and booking a venue and catering is best done early to ensure you will get what you need before everything gets booked up. Consider holding the party during regular working hours or on a weekend, depending on what suits your company culture and employee preferences.

Step 2: Budget

Work with your company’s appropriate department or manager to establish a budget that covers all expenses, including venue rental, catering, decorations, entertainment, and any other costs. Staying within budget is essential to ensure the event is cost-effective.

Step 3: Choose a Venue

Selecting the right venue is crucial to the success of your event. Consider factors like the number of attendees, accessibility, and the atmosphere you want to create. Options include renting a banquet hall, reserving a restaurant, or even hosting the party at your office.

Step 4: Organize Catering

The food you offer can make or break a party. Decide on the type of cuisine you'd like to serve; whether it's a formal sit-down dinner, a hot or cold buffet, or just appetizers. If you are unsure what would be best, your chosen caterer should be able to work with you and help create the ideal menu. Order well in advance and ensure you accommodate dietary restrictions and preferences. Don't forget the dessert!

Step 5: Plan the Theme and Decor (Optional)

If you like to go above-and-beyond, having a theme can add an extra layer of fun and creativity to your holiday party. Popular themes include winter wonderland, casino royale, retro holiday, or a classic black-tie affair. Once you've decided on a theme, start planning the decorations, centerpieces, and any other elements that will help create the desired ambiance.

Step 6: Entertainment

To keep the party lively and engaging, consider incorporating entertainment and activities. You might hire a DJ, a live band, casino-style dealers with gaming tables, or even rent a karaoke machine! At bare minimum, make sure you have some speakers and a festive music playlist ready to go.

Step 7: Safety and Transportation (NOT OPTIONAL)

If your staff holiday party includes alcohol, arrange for transportation options to ensure everyone can get home safely. You might offer shuttle services or organize designated drivers, but you must at least provide information about rideshare services. It is also essential to include a warning in your invitations as well as physically posted at the party that drinking and driving is not acceptable and anyone who plans to drink must also arrange a safe ride home. You may not be able to force an employee to make the right decision, but providing these arrangements and warnings lessens the risk to your business from BC’s drinking and driving laws in regards to employer liability as the social host.

Planning a staff holiday party requires careful attention to detail, but the rewards are well worth the effort. A successful holiday party can boost employee morale, foster team spirit, and show your appreciation for your hardworking staff. Follow these steps, stay organized, and, most importantly, have fun during the planning process to create a memorable and enjoyable holiday event that your team will cherish for years to come.

Written by ChatGPT, Edited by Rae A.


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