Make Thanksgiving a Celebration of Gratitude & Indigenous Traditions


As the crisp autumn air settles in and the leaves turn vibrant shades of red and gold, Canadians from coast to coast gather with friends and family to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving. This holiday is not only a time to express gratitude for the harvest season's abundance but also an opportunity to recognize and honor the Indigenous customs and traditions that have shaped this land for centuries.

Canadian Thanksgiving has a history deeply rooted in the customs of Indigenous peoples and European settlers. The earliest recorded Thanksgiving celebration in Canada took place in 1578 when English explorer Martin Frobisher held a feast in Newfoundland to give thanks for his safe voyage. However, it wasn't until 1879 that Thanksgiving was officially declared a national holiday in Canada.

In recent years, there has been a growing effort to incorporate Indigenous customs and perspectives into Canadian Thanksgiving celebrations. Here are a few ways in which this is happening:

Land Acknowledgments: As the most simple and accessible way to give recognition, many Canadians now begin their Thanksgiving gatherings with a land acknowledgment, recognizing and honoring the Indigenous peoples whose ancestral lands they inhabit.

Indigenous Ingredients: Some people incorporate Indigenous ingredients into their Thanksgiving meals, such as bannock, wild game, or traditional Indigenous seasonings.

Cultural Sharing: Some communities and schools organize events where Indigenous elders or knowledge keepers share their traditions, stories, and songs, fostering cultural exchange and understanding.

Donations and Support: Many individuals and organizations use Thanksgiving as an opportunity to support Indigenous communities through donations to Indigenous charities or initiatives.

Canadian Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on gratitude and celebrate the richness of the harvest season. While it has historical ties to European settlers, it's crucial to honor the Indigenous customs and traditions that have deeply influenced this holiday, as well as acknowledge the suffering and erasure all Indigenous peoples have faced since settlers arrived in their lands. By recognizing the Indigenous roots of Canadian Thanksgiving and incorporating these customs into our celebrations, we can create a more inclusive and meaningful holiday that pays tribute to the diverse cultural tapestry of Canada.

Written by ChatGPT, Edited by Rae A.


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